Trusteesales / Foreclosure searches for Las Vegas

If you are looking to purchase REO bank owned foreclosed homes for sale in Las vegas, please click here for those information. This page is for foreclosed properties in Las Vegas area that is sold through a process that is called Trusteesales. It is entirely different way of purchasing properties and you can read further if you like.
Foreclosure/Trusteesales purchases are a way to purchase a Las Vegas property right away but it does have risks. You should do your own due diligence before purchasing any foreclosure/Trusteesales properties.
To understand how to acquire trusteesales properties, the first step is you must have 100% of the funds ready in forms of cashier check payable to your own name (i.e. John Doe wants to buy a trusteesales home, after research, he want to bid on a property that he believe is worth $100,000, so he will have cashier checks totalling $100,000 payable to John Doe. These cashier checks will be used to bid on that property when it comes on sale on a specific date.) That is basically how it’s done. No loans, No personal/company checks, No cash. On the day of the auction/trusteesales of that property, you will need 100% of the funds and other paperworks in order to bid to win the trusteesale property.
If you do have the funds required, then you are more than 1/2 ready to start, the rest is research on the properties which we will provide you with*! The upside of a Trustee sold property is 2 folds. First, in general, properties sold at trustee sales are usually below market value. Second, you don’t have to wait for the property to “close”, once you paid for the winning bid, the trustee deed will be mailed to you and once you record it, the transaction is finished. it can take as little as a week for all of that to happen. The downside to trusteesale is you MUST do your own due diligence to the properties you are bidding on, to see if it there are any liens, what type of loans you are actually buying, condition of the properties, etc,etc which all will add to the total cost of acquiring that property and you will get a trustee deed that, in almost all cases, will not have title insurance on it. It is a risky venture. Go big or go home is the game in trustee sales!
For the last few years Chaely has had an entire crew that’s been acquiring trustee properties! From Monday to Friday except holidays, there’s foreclosed properties being purchased in Las Vegas. If you are seriously interested in this form of property acquisition, Chaely can help you get a property today! Just get your cashier checks(all written to yourself) ready and call Chaely at (702) 808-8983, txt or contact her.
Below is simple search of what is available today in las vegas, the only thing you need to is the Zipcode. Right now, it’s preset to Chinatown zipcode 89102. See Below the results for more information. Call Chaely (702)-808-8983 or contact her for more information
Here’s an some already made search for
zipcode 89113
zipcode 89118
zipcode 89135
zipcode 89139
foreclosure estimated value below $100,000
foreclosure estimated value between $100,000 to $200,000
On the results, the column that read EST Value is currently the estimated market value of that property and possibly what it will be sold for…sometimes lower, sometimes higher..Click on the properties that interest you and follow the instructions and we will follow up with more information. However, you still must do your own diligence before purchasing any foreclosure/trustee sales properties.
* data provided for trusteesale are for Chaely’s clients only. Chaely Chan is not responsible in any way, shape or form for any trusteesales transactions based on these data. All prepared information used our best effort to provide convenience to Chaely’s clients Only. All trusteesale data provided cannot be guaranteed that all information are true and accurate. Chaely takes no responsibility and disclaim all liability in case of any errors, inaccuracies or misstatements contained herein. One has his own right to make their own inquiries to verify the trusteesale information provided by Chaely. All data disclosed by Chaely may change at any time and are subject to availability. you must do your own diligence before purchasing any foreclosure/trustee sales properties.